How The Nerd Did This Year

Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:00 pm ET

Be forewarned - this post is all about me. If you were looking for some sit/start advice or perhaps an article about how FFN as a site performed this year, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm feeling selfish and wanted to talk about me. There's still time to leave if you're not interested. Just click the Back button. You're not that invested in the article yet...

"How did you do in your leagues this year?" This seems to be a popular question as I've been asked it at least a dozen times in the past week. Actually, I've done fairly well, thanks for asking. In the 10 leagues that I participated in this year, I made the playoffs in 9 of them. The one league that I just couldn't muster enough in was the FFN Users League I. The disingenuous side of me wants to blame it all on Jamaal Charles, but honestly, the guys in the league are very good. They drafted incredibly well, and when I did lose, my optimal lineup wouldn't have won it.

I'd like to take all the credit for winning in the first round of the FFN Users League II this past week, but Shonn Greene and Larry Fitzgerald helped propel me to a win over Matt. Now the bullseye is squarely on Robert in this coming week's assault. I'd like to talk smack, but frankly his team is so solid that any smack talk will likely find a way to come back and bite me in the ass. Maybe...just maybe...Karma will look fondly upon me if I say...good luck Robert. How's that for smack talk?

I've participated in a number of Experts Leagues this year and made the playoffs in all. It's certainly worth noting that even though I did quite well against folks from the fantasy sports industry, it was the FFN Users Leagues where I struggled. I barely made it into the Users League II (squeaked in at #6), and as I said above, I didn't make it into League I. To all the guys in these leagues, I simply have to say that I hope you enjoyed beating up a nerd, because you did it pretty handily. I feel like I've been stuffed into a fantasy locker.

I enjoyed participating in an Experts League hosted by one of my favorite league platforms. I ended the regular season in first place in the Fleaflicker Experts League and I'm feeling well rested after my first round bye last week. Tough match up this week though.

I've finished the regular season at the top of my division in the FFN Experts League. There are four teams that still remain and we're all battling it out over the next two weeks to crown a champion. The winner of this league will have $500 donated to the charity that they chose to play for. Joining me will be Pat Leonard from the New York Daily News (playing for The Children's Aid Society), James Alder from (playing for the American Diabetes Foundation), and Jordan Zucker from Girls Guide : Sports (playing for Bide a Wee). I'm proud to be playing for Stand Up 2 Cancer. Wish me luck!

Alright - you've made it through my selfish update. I'm impressed. I almost didn't make it. Hopefully it wasn't as painful as watching Jermichael Finley finish Week 14 with a big fat doughnut. On that note - hey Finley - do me a solid. If you could put a 2 to the left of that zero next week, I'd appreciate it.

Good luck to everyone...unless your name is Robert. Sorry Karma.

Join the Discussion

WazNFL CommentedDec 14, 2011 11:00 am

Enjoyable read.

It's funny how you mention how solid my team is when in reality, I've been thinking the same thing about yours this week. I mean it may have taken 14 weeks, but your team seems completely optimized...just in time for our matchup.

But if you won't supply me with some well-seasoned smack talk, I'll have to do some of my own.

Looking back at our matchup from week 4, my winning margin was just about as many points as YOUR Packers gifted me.

Now looking at our matchup this week, Your team has BARELY changed which deems it necessary for me to congratulate you on a solid draft. After two trades, over a dozen wire additions, and five pages of lineup changes, I would say that my team has become significantly better than it was in week 4.

I hate the fact that you have Greene though since I'm not only rooting for him during the game, but also in one of my other leagues that I am quite invested into. He's a beast in the cold leading through the playoffs. Numbers don't lie.

My team won't be solid if AD and Maclin don't play 4 quarters so I'm relying heavily on their health to come out on top this week.

I know you won't wish me luck this week because you know that I don't need it.

On that note,

Good luck, Nerd.

Ruspry CommentedDec 15, 2011 11:00 am

Thanks for letting us play! Somehow I'm still alive in FFN UL1. Although, tough matchup this week, I've overcome worse projected losses. So competitve and each week seemed to come down to final play. Unreal to be part of 4 games decided by less than 2pts with two of those decided by less than a point, including last weeks (thank you TD by Sjax) that took the seahawks D down just enough to get a W!!! Not to mention dez B...1 catch 50 TD??? I'll take it. Love this FF stuff and Hate it all at the same time. Why we do this to ourselves, I'll never know. BTW....did you take down the most interesting man in the world "Matt"? If so thanks! He gronked me in a 2 week ESPN round one playoff. Hope to get invited back next year. I can hear it now: FFN user leauge 1 "Revenge of the nerd"!

allen7554 CommentedJul 7, 2012 11:00 am

Thanks for letting us play! Somehow I'm still alive in FFN UL1. Although, tough matchup this week, I've overcome worse projected losses. So competitve and each week seemed to come down to final play. Unreal to be part of 4 games decided by less than 2pts with two of those decided by less than a point, including last weeks (thank you TD by Sjax) that took the seahawks D down just enough to get a W!!! Not to mention dez B...1 catch 50 TD??? I'll take it. Love this FF stuff and Hate it all at the same time.

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